Personal Projects

Game Jam games

Narcoleptic Weight Loss Expert – Part of a gamejam I did with some friends. I wrote most of the dialogue and item descriptions as well as contributing to the game design itself. Keep the guy on the treadmill awake by using items earned by the calories he burns ( name provided by a random game generator). Made in about 6 hours.

The Power is still on –  A small explorable world is a browser made with the Bitsy tool. A Tiny robot wakes up in an abandoned factory deep under the earth.

Audio drama

Rodent Wake – A short audio drama. A gossipy man relates the story of his neighbour’s funeral for the family Hamster…or was it a gerbil?


Wicked Rails

Originally published in MangaQuake, a tube technicians first day on the job is interrupted by a strange creature. One of several comics I wrote that were printed in the MangaQuake anthology series.

Self published comics:

Origins- IndieManga

Featuring a short fantasy story, and a short comic with art by Kate Holden.

Legends- IndieManga

Our second print anthology this time a story about a girl who drinks too much health potion and has to deal with the consequences. (out of print)