Writing & Narrative Design

Logo for the indie game Pieced Together

I worked with the team at Glowfrog games during protype phase to help them define the theme, story and characters for their game Pieced Together.

The prototype went on to win the following categories at the Game Connection Awards:

  • Best Storytelling
  • Best Puzzle Game

Narrative Designer – Dirty Bomb
Splash Damage
Updating and rewriting character and world back story.
– Narrative Direction & Writing for the new MercSERV tutorial.
– Creating, voice directing and casting ‘Mia’ a character designed to act as the guide for new players.
– Writing new video tutorials.
– Writing a variety of update videos, including the ‘Hunter trailer.

One of the MercSERV tutorial videos. See the rest here.

Narrative Designer – Gears tactics

Splash Damage

  • As part of the Splash Damage team I was brought on to help Splash Damage’s narrative team and our partners at The Coalition.
  • Prepared briefing materials for the Lead Writer.
  • Provided troubleshooting and review of narrative design issues.
  • Provided placeholder text and helped support and improve the narrative pipeline.

Sun Dogs – Writer

Royal Polygon

Provided world building and writing for this minimalist trans-humanist game. My work focused on Venus. A planet full of mechanized palanquins, crime and the isolated elite. I also wrote the game’s missions which see the player embark on a variety of missions. Retrieve a space whale’s lost heart. Find the data-tapes which contain the memories of a lost lover.


RPS Podcast
