The Narrative Structure of The Artful Escape

Screenshot from the Artful Escape. Depicting Francis Vendetti holding a guitar.

After having just completed the Artful Escape. I was struck by how well it’s structured. The story is linear. Mixing exploration sections, with musical platforming and performance sections. I’ve chosen to only talk about the main structural points here. There’s a lot more to see in the main game. This is a very high-level overview.(Spoilers … Read moreThe Narrative Structure of The Artful Escape

Adventure Afterlife – 20 years of Adventure games part 6 1997

For those of you who have not read any entries in this series these before, I’m playing through a couple of adventure games from each year following the release of Monkey Island 2. It’s been over a year since the last entry, a lot has happened for me personally. I had a really terrible time for … Read moreAdventure Afterlife – 20 years of Adventure games part 6 1997

AdventureX 2017

I’m once again helping to organize AdventureX a convention dedicated to narrative & storytelling in games. It’s running November 11-12  2017 at Goldsmith’s University London. We just launched our Kickstarter and within 24 hours were funded.  If you want to exhibit a game, give a talk or help us as a volunteer then you can … Read moreAdventureX 2017

Adventure After life 20 years of Adventure games Part 5 -1996

Adventure Afterlife 20 years of Adventure games – 1996 1996 was a another strong year for adventure games, whilst there weren’t as many releases as previous years two of my favorite adventure games of all time were released, both with a very British flavor. Interestingly one was a brand new series, whilst the other was … Read moreAdventure After life 20 years of Adventure games Part 5 -1996

AdventureX 2016

I’m once again helping to run AdventureX, a convention dedicated to narrative and storytelling in gaming. We’ve been running a Kickstarter which has gone pretty well and is allowing my co-organisers Tom and Ali to go out and secure superb speakers and entertainment. The convention is free to attend and will run in London on the … Read moreAdventureX 2016

Adventure Afterlife 20 years of adventure games part 4 – 1995

Adventure Afterlife Part 4 1995 1995 continues the adventure game high of 1994 with a healthy mix of sequels ( mainly from Sierra), licensed games and new IP. Stylistically the games become more confident, with a move toward more cinematic forms of storytelling and love it or loathe it full motion video. FMV is the … Read moreAdventure Afterlife 20 years of adventure games part 4 – 1995

Adventure Afterlife: 20 years of Adventure games Part 3 1994

1994 sits right in the middle of the graphic adventure peak. After the staggeringly prolific 1993, the momentum carried well into the following year with a mix of new games and sequels to established franchises. Thematically there’s a heavy thematic shift towards science fiction, however in both the science fiction games I played through for … Read moreAdventure Afterlife: 20 years of Adventure games Part 3 1994